Western states are barricading. Seas, deserts, passes and roads have turned into sinister barriers or even into cemeteries. The tragedy happens everywhere, even close to us. The contemporary city is not a place of refuge, but of rejection.

Freedom of movement is a fundamental right. A person’s land is where their feet are. We address the current un-welcoming conditions by offering an alternative: hospitality. Hospitality is an unconditional relationship between a guest and a host, involving the exchange of material and immaterial gestures.

Hospitality requires us to meet people to work with them, to highlight the real situation in which they live, and to act.

This project is not possible without inhabitants. As architects, we are responsible for a social process essential for the emergence of inhabited places. TO WORK WITH means imagining and building together to propose something new.

In our cities, migrants are hunted down, pushed back and locked up. Those who finally cross the border are grouped together in official or unofficial camps. These architectural devices alienate, isolate and exclude. We work TO HIGHLIGHT these living conditions.

We consider architecture first and foremost as a political art made with the inhabitants. That's how we seek TO ACT.

In autumn 2023, we, students and teachers of the Lacaille-Ayoub studio (Accademia di Architettura di Mendrisio), created the association ‘‘Fabbrica di Ospitalità’’.

You are kindly invited to join us.