In the autumn 2023, we organized a series of model workshops with inhabitants, migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Ticino. Adults and children coming from all over the world were invited to build models representing their perception of the city and their experience of hospitality. 41 models combining reality and imagination were then carefully measured and drawn to shape the language of the project: an unfinished inventory of the city of hospitality.

Model workshop - Chiasso


Alla is from Ukraine and arrived in Switzerland 8 months ago. Her favorite place is the Cancello sul lago di Lugano, she dreams of having the same beautiful entrance where she lives. She imagined that the house on the plot was abandoned and that neighbors had renovated it. The design is not important, what matters is the territory: everything that is needed for the rehabilitation after a post-traumatic disorder is gathered (water, horses, trees, flowering bushes, a large walking area, and a fountain, near which one can sit for hours).

Damascus’ son

This is Omran‘s dream room. As he explained to us „{...} if it was the end of the world, my room would be a place where I could take refuge and not need anything{...} “.

During our conversation, Omran imagined his ideal place of hospitality, where he could invite all his family and friends. We decided to represent the heart of this project: his bedroom. It’s an integral part of a large villa with a patio in an imaginary residence. A peaceful space, with forests, rivers... but no mountains because the horizon must be clear.

Model workshop - Locarno

Model workshop - Mezzana

Dream city

Marc Jordan is from Cameroun. He decided to represent an ideal city, using Chiasso and Balerna as a reference. The Statue of Liberty, the symbol of the United States, was the starting point of the model-making process, which also represents his dream country to live in. Later on, he decided to add the sea, with fish and boats. In the corner area of the town, there is a forest with colorful trees. He added his house, which is the most massive object, and the two apartment buildings of Balerna in the central part of the model.